

A while ago, I was reading a post on Quora, and while I forgot the exact wording of the question, it was something along the lines of “Are cells really mainly composed of just water?”. On a side note, for those who do not know what Quora is, it is a Q&A site that I frequent on my phone because it uses less data—there are never really any images or videos to load (I only have 1GB of data). However, if I were to scroll through my Facebook newsfeed, I get paranoid from all the photos and videos that pop-up as I scroll down, because then I feel like I am going to go over my data plan.
Anyways, coming back to this question—to be honest, I didn’t even bother looking at the answers to this particular question, because I already knew the answer. However, what irked me beyond belief was two words. “Just water” irked me to the core.
You see, when I was younger, I had the same view of water as the asker of this question. The problem with water in our society is that we take fresh, drinking water for granted. Tap water is cheap, so cheap that water bottle companies shame our tap water to sell water at ridiculous prices. I even saw a YouTube video about a social experiment about how bad this situation is—essentially customers would leave the restaurant immediately after being told they would not be offered a free glass of water. Likewise, if I ever went to a fast food place when I was a kid, I would scoff and wonder why anyone would buy water when they could get a soda or juice instead.
Please note that I did not make this post to try to convince you that water is a healthier choice and that you should drink more of it. Rather, the biochemistry nerd in me wants to convince you why water, “just water”, is so crucial for your body that even tap water shouldn’t be treated like its worthless—it had so many roles in allowing our cells to function properly.


One of the most important jobs of water in our bodies is to aid in the creation of membranes. A membrane is essentially a barrier that defines the boundaries of the cell, as well as further compartments within the cell itself—they prevent most compounds from going in and out freely. The cell then uses proteins embedded within the membrane to control whether certain compounds can pass through or not.
Water is crucial because membrane formation relies on the hydrophobic effect. In layman terms, the hydrophobic effect is the reason that water and oil don’t mix, because they don’t like each other. If you look at the figure below, you can see that membranes are composed of these compounds call phospholipids (diagram on the right). Essentially the red circle, represents the “head”, while the black part represents the “tails”. The “head” likes to be around water, while the “tails” do not. Thus, the head likes to face water, while the tail likes to be in the surroundings of other tails. For this reason, these phospholipids form this sort of membrane as seen below (diagram on the left). This is called a phospholipid bilayer. More specifically, this process has to do with entropy and ground state energies, but I won’t get into that here.

Membranes - Mitochondria – The Powerhouse of the Cell

Earlier, I was pretty vague as to the benefits of membranes, outside of it being what keeps the cell contents within the cell (the plasma membrane). For this reason, I would like to discuss one of the most important uses of membranes by discussing mitochondria, a.k.a. “the powerhouse of the cell”. I remember doing that BuzzFeed science quiz a long time ago where all of the answers were “mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell”. Without membranes in the mitochondria, it would be unable to make energy, and thus your cells would die, and you would die.
Mitochondria produce energy in the form of a compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Other parts of your cells use the energy released from breaking this ATP into the more stable ADP (adenosine diphosphate) + Pi (inorganic phosphate) to perform all sorts of functions in your cells. For example, for neurons to send signals, potassium and sodium ions needs to be pumped in order to create a gradient—this requires energy from ATP.
I now claim that without mitochondria being in a water solvent environment, essentially no ATP could be produced.
Note that when glucose first enters you cell, the first process it goes through is called glycolysis. This step converts this one glucose molecule into two molecules of something called pyruvate. During this process, there is a net gain of 2 ATP (4 ATP are made in this process, but 2 ATP are consumed in the process). Glycolysis does not require a membrane to function. Interestingly, yeast cells and certain other organisms can rely solely on this process, in which fermentation occurs (for reasons I will not go into, fermentation is a necessary step in environments that lack oxygen, as the ETC discussed below requires oxygen to function).
Once pyruvate has been made in the cytosol, it is transported into the mitochondria, where it is first converted to Acetyl-CoA, before undergoing the Krebs cycle. In this process, energy storing compounds called NADH and FADH2 are created, and these compounds enter the Electron Transport Chain (ETC). The diagram below outlines these steps.
Now the meaty part of the importance of membranes resides in the Electron Transport Chain. This process generates quite a bit of ATP, in the range of 30 ATPs per one pyruvate molecule. This pales in comparison to the amount of ATP generated by glycolysis (a measly 2 ATP per glucose molecule).

As seen by this diagram from Wikipedia, the electron transport relies on the existence of membrane, which are the parts that look like a giant accordion. Essentially, the energy that was transferred into the making of NADH and FADH2 from the Krebs (a.k.a. citric acid cycle) cycle are released, and protons (H+ in the diagram), are pumped into the intermembrane space.
I like to think of this as a giant dam. Essentially, H+ is being pumped out of the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, and its only way to get back is to pass through ATP synthase. ATP Synthase is the part of the damn that harnesses energy due to water pressure, using this energy to convert ADP + Pi back into ATP. But instead of water, it is with hydrogen ions. The proteins that pump these H+ ions into the intermembrane space act as the river that keeps the damn going.
Note that without the existence of membranes, the pumped H+ ions could re-enter the mitochondrial matrix without passing through ATP synthase, which means ATP is not being made through this process. It is a known fact that if a hole is created in the inner mitochondrial membrane, which allows for the free flowing of H+ ions, the cell will die pretty much instantly.


To further quantify to you the important of water in our cells, I want to turn to proteins.
I am sure you are already familiar with the code of DNA, that being A, C, G, and T (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine respectively). Interestingly, proteins also have a code, of which each “letter” of the code is called an “amino acid”. Amino acids all have the same backbone, but their side chains all vary. In humans and most other organisms, there are only 20 amino acids to choose from.
Essentially every three letters from the DNA code for one amino acid, and the ribosomes are responsible for recruiting free floating free amino acids and assembling the proteins based off this code. Many variations of letter codes may code for the same amino acid, as this process allows for mutations in DNA to have less of a detrimental effect on the survival of both the individual and the species.
It is important for understand that proteins are designed to fold properly in the environment they are in. Excluding membrane proteins, most proteins are designed to fold in the presence of water—they actually start their folding process while the ribosome is still elongating the amino acid chain. Because there are only 20 distinct amino acids to choose from, while a protein can consist of thousand of amino acids,  it is the final distinct shape of the protein that defines its function—there are not enough distinct amino acids for each protein to have its own “special one”.
As I mentioned in the membrane section, proteins fold due to the hydrophobic effect as well. Because all amino acids share a common backbone, it is the side chain that determines the properties of that specific amino acid (are represented by R1, R2, and R3 in the diagram below). It is the hydrophobic amino acids that like to remain on the inside of the protein, with the polar residues facing the outside. Proteins rely mainly on the hydrophobic effect to ensure proteins fold in a predictable way. While there are other factors that determine how a protein will fold, such as pH, and the actually “jig-saw” shape of the amino acids itself, the hydrophobic effect is perhaps one of the most important determinants of protein shape, and thus protein function.


Finally, the stability of DNA is in part due to the hydrophobic effect as well. The bases involved (A, G, T, and C) are mainly hydrophobic. Thus, these nucleotides can stack efficiently upon each other, promoting DNA stability.
Note that I did not mention mRNA (messenger RNA), which is made by RNA polymerase from the DNA template strand. While ribosomes use mRNA to translate into proteins, there is no concern about its stability, as mRNA is meant to degrade quickly (it is just a copy).


I hope that this post shows why water is so important to all of our cells, and I hope you have a greater appreciation for why we cannot live for long without water in our bodies. There are obviously more reasons in human biology (i.e. anatomy) as to why water is important, such as for excreting waste, etc., but I just wanted to offer my knowledge as to the importance of water in each individual cell.
Finally, I hope that this post will give you some more respect for tap water, because it is just as beneficial to you are the bottled stuff.


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