Final Exams Stress

I currently sitting in a building on campus studying for my last final exam on April 24th for Biochemistry. For some reason, as happy as I am to get it over with, I cannot help but think about one thing. About a month ago there was a suicide in the building where I am sitting in right now. All I can think is what if it happened due to school pressure? Would the person have been fine if he/she had gotten to this date right now and finished all his/her exams? Would the person not have done it if he/she was able to actually talk to an mental health adviser? I think this because I have heard online and from others that it takes a ridiculously long time, a couple of months, to see an adviser at the Health and Wellness Centre here at U of T because they are short-staffed - which is a ridiculous excuse. Furthermore, apparently they are not very helpful and extremely rude.

I do not know why, but sitting here thinking back to the incident, it makes me wonder how important my schooling really is. Do not get me wrong, I am doing OK, hopefully enough to get into grad school, but the amount of hours I put into getting an education and the stress I put myself through daily is unhealthy and excessive-especially as someone who already has a mental illness. Sometimes I do wonder if in the grand perspective of things if I perhaps prioritize it too much.-I do not even know what career I want after I graduate.

At the very least I am put at ease that the U of T faculty put a memorial for the person a couple of days after the incident, and I do wish that person could see all the supportive flowers and letters left for him/her.

And I guess in terms my life I will be graduating in a year and hopefully grad school just won't be as bad :). Finally, I do want to emphasize the importance of mental health. As a schizophrenic, I typically preach medication as a cure all (anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, benzodiazepines, etc.), but I understand that things like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and even just talking to someone is helpful. Hopefully wherever you are your are getting the support you need in terms of mental health.


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