
Showing posts from February, 2019


So I recently watched "Limitless" over the weekend and realized how applicable the movie would have been if the protagonist was originally a schizophrenic who found anti-psychotic medication. Of course I will go more into depth about this in the post, but please do not read this if you do not want any spoilers for the movie. I would definitely recommend the movie it was quite an intriguing journey. Image from How Limitless Could be About a Schizophrenic The movie starts off with the protagonist, Eddie Morra, who is struggling in his day to day life as an author. While this part may be a bit of a stretch, it seems that before the start of the movie, he was living a normal life, having both a girlfriend and a contract on a book, though the book hadn't been started in any serious manner. He seems to struggle in a manner that I was like when I was psyc...

Haven't Posted in a While

I do apologize for not posting for so long. I just have been busy with school and then had my laptop stolen and so on. One of the reasons I've decided to write today is because mentally I think I've reached a sort of milestone in my life. It all started with a Facebook post that I was viewing right before my biochemistry exam around 2 weeks ago. For some back story, I live in Canada, and Bell, one of the largest telecommunications companies, runs a mental health campaign every year. My Facebook friend had talked down about it as an unsentimental marketing ploy, a perspective which I completely understand. However, I pointed out that while Bell may be using this as a marketing ploy, they are the only company out there that even acknowledges mental illness as a real issue that affects people. Oddly, I am not here to talk about Bell, but rather about the fact that that moment was the first moment where I really talked about mental health, and in particular my mental health in ...